General Regulations of the Hospital:
1. Physical and equipment structure of the hospital is a national capital and its preservation is a national duty of all intelligent and sympathetic citizens.
2. To be informed of the patients rights, read the ethnic charter installed at the entrance of the ward and the guidelines pamphlet.
3. In case of hospitalization of the patient in the ward, confirmation of the introduction letter and insurance booklet by the resident experts of the relevant insurance institutions shall be mandatory. In case of lack of insurance booklet, immediately collect Iraniaan insurance booklet.
4. For your information regarding institutions and companies involved in contract with the hospital and, as well, the franchise percentage of inpatient and outpatient services, guide boards have been installed in the admission unit on levels 1 and 3 and, also, at the discharge units on all levels.
5. When intending to use elevator, get informed of its capacity.
6. Based on the order of the director of the hospital, entry of less than 12 years old companions is prohibited.
7. Patient visiting hours are 14:30 till 16 everyday.
8. Keeping up with hygiene guarantees a healthy life for all. Therefore, cooperate in keeping the hospital environment (hospitalization rooms, hygienic services, etc) and throw the garbage in the bins.
9. After using the hygienic services, close the taps and turn off the light.
10. Patient clothing, counterpane, disposable blanket, slippers, toothbrush and towel are sold by the pharmacy in the form of a set. If you would like, you would be able to provide the said articles for your patient.
11. At the end of each ward there exists an emergency staircase to be used in emergencies.
12. The air handling unit of each room has a performance like home refrigerators. Therefore, for cooling and warming the room during warm and cold seasons be sure to keep the windows closed.
13. The beds are fit for one patient only; therefore, the companions are requested to kindly avoid sitting on them.
14. The Complaint Unit, located next to the kitchen on the 3rd level of the hospital, is in charge of examining your complaints.
15. The cultural-religious counselor of the hospital is on the 3rd level of the centre and shall respond to your religious questions and meet your worship and belief needs.