
Surgery Cost

 Price (IRR)  Price (USD)  Code Description  Row
542,672,460904 Thyroidectomy 1
 401,709,160 670  Mastectomy 2
 1,200,000,000 2000 Colon Cancer 3
1,100,000,000 1800 Gastric Cancer 4
Cholecystectomy 5
1000 Sleeve Gastrectomy 6
400,000,000 670 Abdominoplasty 7
450,000,000 750 Mammoplasty 8
324,709,480 541 Hernia 9
152,095,120 253 Hemorrhoidectomy 10
544 Appendectomy 11
118,264,640 197 Anal Fissure 12
735 Splenectomy 13
164,296,680 273 Tonsillectomy 14
548,118,400 913 Hysterectomy 15
296,374,000 493 Myomectomy 16
307,919,620 513 Delivery 17
552 Cesarean 18
132,077,320 220 Curettage 19
135,716,920 226 Cerclage 20
237,945,960 396
Abortion 21
315,801,360 526 Ovaries Cyst 22
120,000,000 200 Bartholin Cyst 23
395,385,952 658
CRP 24
126,999,680 211 Cystoscopy 25
300,000,000 500 Laparoscopy 26
60,590,440 100 Bronchoscopy 27
107,669,860 180 Endoscopy 28
367,710,000 612 Brain Angiography 29
290,052,200 483 Carotid Angiography   30
364,208,040 607 Strabismus 31
239,792,078 400 Cataract surgery 32
237,542,640 395
Glaucoma Surgery 33
500,000,000 833 Arthroscopy Knee 34
900,000,000 1500 Prosthesis Knee 35
640,000,000 1066 Hip Fracture 36
1,000,000,000 1666 Total Hip 37
762,312,820 1270 Femoral Fracture 38
472,077,680 786 Lumbar Disk 39
672,077,680 1120 Lumbar Disc + CD 40
752,077,690 1253 Neck Disk 41
757,077,690 1261 Neck Disk + CD  42
687,912,820 1146 Spain Tumor 43
596,720,520 994 Craniectomy   44
400,000,000 666 Rhinoplasty  45
164,123,600 273 Nasal Fracture 46
192,323,192 320 Cystourethroscopy 47
455,335,520 760 Nephrolithotomy  48
586,334,200 977 Nephrectomy 49
489,156,880 815 Resection of Prostate
571,047,880 915 Prostate Surgery 51
299,059,200 500 Orchiopexy 52
478,828,520 800 Suprapubic Prostatectomy 53
682,156,764 1136 Radical Prostatectomy 54
303,428,720 505 Varicocele  55
12,000,000,000 20000 Allogenic hoplo- AML transplantation 56
11,000,000,000 18333 Autologous – Brain Lymphoma  57
11,000,000,000 18333 Allogenic -AML  58
12,000,000,000 20000 Autologous - Hodgkins lymphoma 59
11,500,000,000 19200 Autologous – Multiple myeloma 60

The cost of medicine and supplies is approximate